South African Christian Quality Assurance Authority Council
The South African Christian Quality Assurance Authority Council (SACQAAC) was establish as a Statutory Council for Christian Religious qualification and the custodian of its values and quality character.
The role of SACQAAC, as stipulated in the draft legislation, is to advance the objectives of the NQF, oversee the further development and implementation of the NQF, and co-ordinate the Sub-Frameworks. SACQAAC’s functions are set out in draft legislation submitted to the South African Parliament to introduce, recommend and implement, which, in summary, mandates SACQAAC to:
Oversee Christian Religious qualification implementation and collaborate with the Quality Councils globally
Develop and implement NQF policies and criteria
Register qualifications and part-qualifications on the NQF
Recognise professional bodies and register professional designations
Undertake research and collaborate with international counterparts
Maintain the National Learners’ Records Database
Provide an evaluation and advisory service with respect to foreign qualifications
Inform the public about the NQF
Provide advice to the Minister of Higher Education and Training in South Africa
Many countries all over the world are looking for better ways of educating their people and organising their education and training systems so that they might gain the edge in an increasingly competitive economic global environment. Furthermore, the world is an ever-changing place, politically, geographically and technologically. Indeed, the rapid technological advances of the twentieth century have placed education systems under extreme pressure as they try to adapt and incorporate these changes in an effort to produce more creative, effective and adaptable people. Success, or even survival, in such a world demands that South Africa has a national education and training system that provides quality Christian, religious learning education, is responsive to the ever-changing influences of the external environment and promotes the development of a nation that is committed to life-long learning.
SACQAAC vision and aspirations
According to the initial vision for SACQAAC is envisioned as Christian Religious qualifications framework for South Africa & globally, based on the principles of:
Inclusiveness of all Christian, religious types of learning and levels of qualifications (all sub-systems of education and training);
Openness to learners’ and stakeholders’ needs, to policy learning and lessons from other qualifications frameworks; and
Innovation-readiness: notably the transformation of skills and learning in the context of digitalization & greening.
The objectives of the envisioned SACQAAC are:
Contribute to comparability, quality and transparency of Christian, religious qualifications and support people´s lifelong learning;
Facilitate recognition of degrees, diplomas and certificates, and support mobility (learners, workers, services);
Work in cooperation and complementarity with NQFs, IQF and RQFs and support the creation of an African education and qualifications space;
Promote cooperation, referencing between qualifications frameworks (national and regional) in Africa and worldwide.